Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What color is your poop today and other items of no consequense

It's moving time! We've been building up to the point where instead of just sitting around looking at all our stuff thinking about how it will look in boxes, and which spots on the walls will need to be scrubbed, we actually take action on these grand schematics.

Aside from these ever so enticing tasks, today (we have been informed) the leasing office will be showing our unit to the next prospective renters. That means, getting rid of the smell of dog piss, attempting to make the place appear to be clean(ish), and putting on a happy face for the lovely intruders. Yes, these are all things that should be done anyways, but for some reason have gone unaddressed as of late.

Well that was a doosey of a digression. (I deleted the text. It's saved, and maybe will be posted in another edition.)

As for today, I've got fuck all done, except laundry so far. I guess I aught to get my shit together and clean myself and this apartment before I waste too much more time.

A Long Time Coming

I couldn't say how many times I've started some semblance of a blog, and I care just as little as you do, to be quite honest. Personal notes in various note pads. Stream of consciousness bullshit. As noted, there are to be no expectations here. I don't claim to have changed any habits that would lead me, or anyone else, to believe that I will maintain this any more than any other attempt. However, here we are, me typing, and you, apparently reading. I expect that you is really me at some point in the future, and not anyone else. Not to be self loathing and dramatic, but let's be realistic, no one cares. If I thought they did, I'd put this shit on Facebook. Actually that's a lie. I'm sure some people on Facebook do care. I just don't want to deal with those people because I'm lazy and can't be held to the expectation of continued "communication" with those people. Which is precisely why I'm feeding this silly little page. Anyways, enough with introductions. On with the show...